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J.GASCO Tonic Dry Bitter (0,2 l) - Bortársaság

J.GASCOTonic Dry Bitter (0,2 l)

Bottle price
HUF 690
Member price
HUF 655

Unit price: HUF 3 450 / litre. Our prices are gross prices.
DRS - mandatory return fee: HUF 50/piece. Details: here.

Stock information

J.Gasco Tonic is the premium product used the most by mixers all around the world. It’s made from natural raw material. The Dry Bitter taste is distinctive, with its bitterness provided by the quinine and a secret component. It’s citrusy, spicy and refreshing. Due to its characteristic taste, it’s recommended for it to be paired with a slightly milder gin. Of course, those who like a stronger flavour combination can have it with any option.

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